Monday, August 25, 2008

Thanks to the Deltona Police

I'm sending out a big ole THANK YOU to the officer covering Deltona for the Volusia County Sheriff's office, today. Thank you for protecting our children and helping out at the broken school zone.

People, do you really think that the bright orange cones and the crossing guard in the cross-walk are asking you to SPEED UP? I know that this storm did some damage, and that you're all in a hurry to get to work, but speeding in a school zone is just WRONG!

The cross-walk near our house has yellow blinking lights during certain hours of the day for the safety of our children. Fay knocked out those lights, but there were still cones out and a crossing guard. There were still children walking and riding to school through that cross walk, and still people, who drive that route every day, were flat out speeding through the zone. It's a 35mph speed limit normally, but these cars were going a good 45. From about 7:15am to 8:30am it's a 25mph zone. SLOW DOWN! Leave earlier, so you aren't always in a rush, but stop endangering my children, please.

The VCPD sent an officer to flash his lights for us and has someone on their way to fix the lights. Thanks so much for helping out.

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