Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of First Grade

It's the first day of school here in cloudy, soon-to-be-wind-and-rain-swept Central Florida. In preparation for today, Zachary got a haircut and shower before bed last night and went to bed at 7:30pm. Unfortunately, he didn't go to sleep quite so early.

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After laying awake talking to himself and Lorelei until nearly 11pm, Zachary stumbled sleepily from his slumber to the table for breakfast and groggily donned his new school clothes and shoes. Thanks, Aunt Kelly, for the awesome polo shirt.

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In what is slowly becoming tradition around here, we emerged clean and ready into the stickiness that is a Florida morning in August, and trudged to school with the prince and princess riding in their carriage. I'm so glad we walked. The traffic was straight out of a nightmare. We even got to say hello to our favorite crossing guard, Mr. Ed, who gifted Zachary with back-to-school supplies! He's such a bright face for the morning walk.

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Zachary gave directions to Matt as he pushed the carriage through the maze of the school straight to the door of Zachary's 1st grade classroom. Several classmates awaited the first bell, lounging against the wall outside the class, and Mrs. Diallo, Zachary's new teacher, was waiting with them, too. All the kids were very quiet as they sat and contemplated this new year.

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It was wonderful to see many faces that I recognized from last year, and I'm confident that Zachary is in wonderful hands. He's also in a class full of very bright and fun kids.

Unlike last year, Zachary was very excited about going to First Grade. We're all looking forward to hearing how his first day goes.

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